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  • Writer's pictureAsha Venkatarao

Want Lustrous Hair? Stop thinning hair ? Try these remedies

Having hair which is smooth, shiny and easy to manage is a dream we all share. But due to a range of factors, we experience hair loss, thinning, dull hair.

The factors affecting hair loss could be an imbalance of Doshas ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha); could be hormonal imbalances; could be stress; or poor lifestyle choices.

This post will give you some ideas about using Dietary additions, Lifestyle ideas and Ayurvedic hair masks to rebuild hair, repair hair follicles and to decrease the imbalance in the body.

- Eat warm, grounding foods - If you like salads, add a cooked element to it, like cooked quinoa, cooked beans, cooked tofu. On usual Indian diet, increase your intake of warm sambar, cooked vegetable curries, add coconut to your daily diet, decrease spice levels in food.

- Avoid Caffeine - easier said than done :) But, try to limit intake of coffee, tea or carbonated drinks

- Lessen spicy, oily foods

- Drink warm water though the day

- Add a 5-minute Pranayama routine , like Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama to your day.

- Add 30 minute of daily exercise, like walking, yoga, simple stretching.

- Once a week, massage your scalp with coconut oil mixed with lavender oil; leave it on for 2 hours and wash it off with a mild herbal shampoo.

- Before you sleep, breathe 10 times deeply; imagine inhaling positive energy and exhaling negative energy

- Figure out 5 things you are grateful for everyday.

Consider applying one of these Hair Masks on a regular basis;

- Bhringaraj , Amla & Neem Hair Mask -

Mix 2 tbl.sp of Bhringaraj powder, 1 tbl.sp of Amla powder, 1 tbl.sp of Neem powder to a thick paste. Apply to hair for 2

0 minutes. Then, wash it off with a mild shampoo.

- Fenugreek, Amla & Yogurt Hair mask -

Mix 2 tbl.sp of Fenugreek powder, 1 tbl.sp of Amla powder , 2 tbl.sp of yogurt into a thick paste. Apply to hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it away with a mild shampoo.

- Aloe Vera Gel, Castor oil Hair mask -

Mix 2 tbl.sp of Aloe Vera gel and 1 tbl.sp of Castor oil. Apply to hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

- Aloe Vera Gel, Coconut oil, Honey Hair mask -

Mix 2 tbl.sp of Aloe Vera gel, 1 tbl.sp of Coconut oil, 1 tbl.sp of organic honey into a paste. Apply to hair for 20 minutes. Then, wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Try doing all or some of these suggestions in the next few months.

Work towards having a beautiful crowning glory :)

Let me know your doubts / questions.


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