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  • Writer's pictureAsha Venkatarao

The Healing Time

I found this poem last week and I loved the nuances of the words bound together! Hope you can take a moment to enjoy it.

Finally on my way to yes

I bump into

all the places

where I said no

to my life

all the untended wounds

the red and purple scars

those hieroglyphs of pain

carved into my skin,

my bones,

those coded messages

that send me down

the wrong street

again and again

where I find them

the old wounds

the old misdirections

and I lift them

one by one

close to my heart

and I say holy


By Pesha Joyce Gertler

Pesha Joyce Gertler has been bringing poetry to the people of Seattle for over 20 years. Her work

focuses on the relationship between craft and content in her Creative Writing classes. Her poetry has appeared in many journals and anthologies and she has received numerous awards.

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